Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Let's start with a kawai post: have you heard about neko cafés???
Why not going to a coffee shop, having a drink with your friends in a relaxing and feline atmosphere?
It is possible in Japan thanks to a concept that allows cat lovers to share their time with these beautiful creatures.
This phenomenon started in 2004 and spread quickly in Japan. In most of Japanese apartments, pets are prohibited so you cannot even think of getting pets. It is known that having pets help you to reduce stress and feel better.

You can profit from the cat’s purr to relax in neko cafés but rules exist. Do not bother any of them if you want to stay there.
In Europe, a cat café opened in London and it seems to go well. It is coming in France in Paris next year and even in Switzerland.
So until this, you can watch the videos and enjoy it!

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