Wednesday, April 3, 2013


As you may know, Japan is one of the most advanced countries in the world to innovate in scientific research and technology.
Different kind of robots but here we are going to talk about a revolution in Robotics with Humanoid robots. Yes, fiction tends to become reality!!!

They have the ability of reproducing feelings like anger, timidity, embarrassment or others feelings to finally acting and talking like Humans...

Robotic scientist Hiroshi Ishiguro and hid Germanoid, in 2010
Humanoids are used to do different tasks. For instance, they can be used to replace mannequins in Japanese store front and interact with customers entering the store. They can also replace receptionist jobs. Japanese are more and more interested in these robots because they do not get old, they are efficient comparing to workers in general.
Their dreams become true and we can ask what will be tomorrow inventions??

 Look at the videos coming next and build up your own ideas of this futurist world...

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