Sunday, April 7, 2013


Feel so good!!!
Feeling stress?? Why not going taking a rest in an « Onsen »? In Japan, you will find beautiful places with Onsens and Ryokans, but you will ask me, what is an onsen?
Onsens are natural hot springs coming from volcanoes; you take your bath with water coming from natural hot springs. They are very famous and popular and Japanese enjoy taking a rest in those hot baths, once a day. Onsen water is so good for your skin and provides health benefits. You will forget about all your troubles when you will be there and relax, and feel so good... onsens are also known to provide relaxing effects on your body but also on your mind.

Tsurunoyu, Nyuto onsen
Togo onsen Yozyoka

Indoor onsen

Outdoor onsen

Historically, men and women took their bath together in onsens but do not worry if you are shy, nowadays you can find gender separated onsens. Onsens are numerous in Japan, and it is easy to find a beautiful one to go to. So do not hesitate!! Try to discover indoors but also outdoors baths.
Warning: do not forget that you will not enter the bath if you have not cleaned your all body before, using soap of course. Some indications on “How to take a bath” will be necessary if you want to do well, look at the link below:

Another piece of advice on "How to enjoy hot springs":

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